My Private Realm

This is my space to write about whatever I want. I come here to vent, to record observations, and to share my stories and writing. Ultimately, I come here to be alone with my thoughts.

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Grandfather

My grandfather passed away in April from lung cancer. We all called him Baba, which is an arabic word meaning Dad. Baba was funny, gracious, and always ready to smile. I wish that I could have had conversations with Baba, but it was hard because I only know a few words of arabic and he only knew a few words of english. But I didn't have to talk to him to know that he loved me. I knew from the way he smiled at me. I felt loved when he would get up and walk slowly to the kitchen to bring me a soda. Baba was a good host and made sure anyone in his house had their favorite drink. He aksed questions about my life, which my mother would translate. He wanted to know how I was doing in school, and if I had found a job yet. If I hadn't visited him for a while, he scolded me. "Why haven't I seen you?" he would ask, giving me a hug.

Baba had a wonderful sense of humor. During one visit, he asked me to give him his "teeth". I was a bit confused, because I didn't realize that Baba had dentures. I asked my uncle for help. He walked over and picked something off the shelves behind me. It was a mortar and pestle set, which Baba used to mash up nuts and seeds. His teeth. It still makes me smile.

I miss Baba very much and still find myself expecting to see him. He was a good man and a wonderful grandfather.


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